So I am reading the news and see this funny article on a pay pal mistake. I could see if there was some minor mistake like over or under charged by a few dollars. But this is totally crazy this guy was credited with 92 quadrillion dollars. it is actually over 92 quadrillion. The number is as long as a sentence $92,233,720,368,547,800 see. I think I just found a way to fix the national debt. I mean seriously were does that number come from? Why didn't they just credit his account with an infinity symbol. Talk about inflation this was crazy inflation a couple of hundred dollars turns in to 92 quadrillion! Here this book might help the people at pay pal do there job better.
Here is the story from CNN.
New York (CNN) -- When Chris Reynolds opened his June PayPal e-mail statement, something was off.
Here is the story from CNN.
PayPal accidentally credits man $92 quadrillion
Chris Reynolds' PayPal account was erroneously credited $92,233,720,368,547,800.
The Pennsylvania PR executive's account balance had swelled to a whopping $92,233,720,368,547,800.
That's $92 QUADRILLION (and change).
Money that would make
Reynolds -- who also sells auto parts on eBay in his spare time -- the
richest man in the world by a long shot.
Rich, as in more than a million times richer than Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim. And he's worth $67 billion.
Oh, if only.
"It's a curious thing. I don't know, maybe someone was having fun," Reynolds said.
So he logged online, and reality bit back. His account balance read $0. The correct amount.
PayPal admitted the error and offered to donate an unspecified amount of money to a cause of Reynolds' choice.
"This is obviously an error and we appreciate that Mr. Reynolds understood this was the case," PayPal said in a statement.
Before this incident,
the most Reynolds ever made on PayPal was "a little over $1,000" selling
a set of vintage BMW tires on eBay.
So what would the would-be quadrillionaire have done with all that cash?
"I probably would have paid down the national debt," he said.
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