Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How a family of four lives on $14K a year.

I was looking at this new story of how this family of four that live out in Nevada live on $14,000 a year. And I thought man that is really cool. Here is an entire family with the discipline to live on $14K a year. You do not see hardly anyone with that kind of financial discipline anymore. What is wrong with people they just want to buy and spend everything and then some. These people should be grand examples of how we all should be. The entire attitude of our country now is spend, spend, spend. Then when the person or persons are in financial ruin it is help, help. help. I am beginning to think that the colonial British had it right with debtors prisons. Instead of taking the burden of these financially irresponsible people we should lock them up or something. But don't lock them up to take care of them make them work off there debt. Once the debt is re-payed then they can come back into society. That would teach them the value of money and make them think twice about being a dead beat. Like I said kudos goes to the $14K family take it as an example of how you can thrive financially. The main things that they did were not eating out. You tired of being fat? Start cooking your own healthier food. They only fill up their cars once a month. They bundle errands together and freeze food to make it last longer. A few good habits and ideas can take you a long way!!