Saturday, February 23, 2013

Learn a seceret to help make your money work for you!!!

Everybody is so caught up on earning more and more money. Right? But I have a good question. Where is the break off point? You cannot nor do you want to work forever. Even though I enjoy working and like what I do. I cannot work forever. And I would like to pursue other things in life. So you have to learn to leverage your money the right way. What I mean when I say leveraging your money is utilizing the interest that you can attain by putting it in the right places. If you do this the right way you will laterally have your money working for you. I realize that there has been a change in the economy and the interest is not as good as it was say a few years ago. But I still would rather earn some interest rather than nothing. I will give you a prime example of why the general public has no understanding of this. Everybody wants to get a huge tax return from the IRS. They always brag about how much they got and so on. Well the whole time that they are talking all i am thinking about is all the lost interest on that money. I am sure that the IRS gets plenty of extra revenue through interest on other peoples money. So I challenge you to be more competitive and find the banks that have high interest bearing savings accounts and different financial products. Make them work for your money and you will be able to get your money to start working for you.